![[or, the whale] (Delere Press)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54078c32e4b04f2a4fe8e7ab/1413244315321-B6ZEQU8UTNUV680QOJVJ/image-asset.png)
![[or, the whale] - imaginary beasts, Boston](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54078c32e4b04f2a4fe8e7ab/1507675858398-PP27A4SGQQRTSJTU7HBF/22228161_10155657756497488_8445941735564073368_n.jpg)
![[or, the whale] - Portland Experimental Theater Ensemble](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54078c32e4b04f2a4fe8e7ab/1453189433231-VCHUYNLSDYBWS6COK7SH/Or+The+Whale+PETE+Owen.jpg)
![[or, the whale] - Portland Experimental Theater Ensemble](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54078c32e4b04f2a4fe8e7ab/1453189438463-BPHLXI53M6XB05KB580B/or-the-whalePETE.productionshot3.jpg)
![[or, the whale] - imaginary beasts](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54078c32e4b04f2a4fe8e7ab/1515107580683-AN3ZDXJXN1S1HIHSEMM8/22815204_10155715650717488_5138590416942856522_n-768x768.jpg)
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[or, the whale] (Delere Press)
My original play, [or, the whale], inspired by Melville's Moby Dick, debuted at the Singapore Book Fair on November 14th, 2014. Published by Delere Press, Singapore. Illustrations by Ivy Maya.
Recently produced by the imaginary beasts theater company in Boston, under the direction of Matthew Woods.
[or, the whale] was also produced in 2016 by the Portland Experimental Theater Ensemble, under the direction of Obie-award winning scenic designer Peter Ksander.
Some great reviews of the PETE production:
In Search of the Great White.... Leg
Experience Captain Ahab's Madness in Portland Experimental Theater Ensemble's [or, the whale]
And of course there's my Moby Dick album...
[or, the whale] (Delere Press)
My original play, [or, the whale], inspired by Melville's Moby Dick, debuted at the Singapore Book Fair on November 14th, 2014. Published by Delere Press, Singapore. Illustrations by Ivy Maya.
Recently produced by the imaginary beasts theater company in Boston, under the direction of Matthew Woods.
[or, the whale] was also produced in 2016 by the Portland Experimental Theater Ensemble, under the direction of Obie-award winning scenic designer Peter Ksander.
Some great reviews of the PETE production:
In Search of the Great White.... Leg
Experience Captain Ahab's Madness in Portland Experimental Theater Ensemble's [or, the whale]
And of course there's my Moby Dick album...
[or, the whale] (Delere Press)
[or, the whale] - imaginary beasts, Boston
[or, the whale] - Portland Experimental Theater Ensemble
[or, the whale] - Portland Experimental Theater Ensemble
[or, the whale] - imaginary beasts